Spanish Words That End In Cion

Spanish words that end in cion – Embark on a linguistic journey as we delve into the captivating world of Spanish words ending in -cion. These words hold a treasure trove of grammatical nuances and semantic richness, inviting us to explore their formation, usage, and comparison to their English counterparts.

Prepare to be captivated by the symphony of sounds and meanings that await you.

Spanish words ending in -cion possess a distinct grammatical function, often serving as nouns that denote actions, states, or qualities. Their formation follows specific rules, revealing the intricate workings of the Spanish language. From common words like “educacion” (education) to more specialized terms like “traduccion” (translation), -cion words permeate the fabric of Spanish vocabulary.

Meaning of Spanish Words Ending in


Spanish words ending in “-cion” are nouns that typically refer to actions, processes, or states of being. They are formed by adding the suffix “-cion” to the stem of a verb. For example, the verb “actuar” (to act) becomes “actuacion” (action).Common

Spanish words ending in “-cion” include:

  • actuacion (action)
  • decision (decision)
  • educacion (education)
  • informacion (information)
  • traduccion (translation)

Formation of Spanish Words Ending in


Spanish words ending in “-cion” are formed by adding the suffix “-cion” to a stem. The stem can be a noun, adjective, or verb.

When the stem is a noun, the “-cion” suffix indicates the action or process of doing something. For example, the noun “acción” (action) is formed from the verb “actuar” (to act).

When the stem is an adjective, the “-cion” suffix indicates the state or quality of being something. For example, the adjective “educación” (education) is formed from the adjective “educado” (educated).

When the stem is a verb, the “-cion” suffix indicates the result of the action. For example, the noun “construcción” (construction) is formed from the verb “construir” (to construct).

Stem Types

  • Noun stems: The noun stem is the root of the noun, without the ending. For example, the noun stem of “acción” is “act”.
  • Adjective stems: The adjective stem is the root of the adjective, without the ending. For example, the adjective stem of “educación” is “educ”.
  • Verb stems: The verb stem is the root of the verb, without the ending. For example, the verb stem of “construcción” is “constr”.

Examples of Spanish Words Ending in


Spanish words ending in “-cion” are abundant and play various grammatical roles, including nouns, adjectives, and verbs. These words often convey abstract concepts, actions, or states of being.

Below is a comprehensive list of Spanish words ending in “-cion” organized into categories, along with their definitions and example sentences:


  • Acción(action): La acción de correr es beneficiosa para la salud. (The action of running is beneficial for health.)
  • Atención(attention): Presta atención a lo que te digo. (Pay attention to what I’m telling you.)
  • Decisión(decision): Tomé la decisión de irme de viaje. (I made the decision to go on a trip.)
  • Educación(education): La educación es esencial para el desarrollo personal. (Education is essential for personal development.)
  • Información(information): Necesito más información sobre el tema. (I need more information on the topic.)

Adjectives, Spanish words that end in cion

  • Amable(friendly): Es una persona muy amable. (He/she is a very friendly person.)
  • Comprensible(understandable): El texto es fácil de comprender. (The text is easy to understand.)
  • Inteligente(intelligent): Es un estudiante muy inteligente. (He/she is a very intelligent student.)
  • Responsable(responsible): Es una persona responsable que cumple con sus obligaciones. (He/she is a responsible person who fulfills his/her obligations.)
  • Tranquilo(calm): Es una persona tranquila que no se altera fácilmente. (He/she is a calm person who doesn’t get upset easily.)


  • Actuar(to act): Actúa con responsabilidad en todo momento. (Act responsibly at all times.)
  • Decidir(to decide): Decidió quedarse en casa. (He/she decided to stay home.)
  • Educar(to educate): Los padres educan a sus hijos. (Parents educate their children.)
  • Informar(to inform): Me informó sobre los últimos acontecimientos. (He/she informed me about the latest events.)
  • Resolver(to resolve): Resolvió el problema rápidamente. (He/she resolved the problem quickly.)

Comparison to English Words Ending in


Spanish words ending in “-cion” and English words ending in “-tion” share a common Latin origin, and both are used to form nouns that describe actions or states of being. However, there are some key differences in their formation and usage.

In Spanish, “-cion” is added to the root of a verb to form a noun. For example, the verb “accionar” (to act) becomes “accion” (action). In English, “-tion” is typically added to the root of a noun or adjective to form a noun.

For example, the noun “act” becomes “action” and the adjective “active” becomes “activation”.

Meaning and Usage

In terms of meaning and usage, Spanish words ending in “-cion” are often more abstract than their English counterparts. For example, the Spanish word “educacion” (education) refers to the process or state of being educated, while the English word “education” can refer to both the process and the result of being educated.

Table of Spanish Words Ending in


The following table organizes the list of Spanish words ending in “-cion” from section 3, along with their definitions, categories, and example sentences:

The table provides a comprehensive overview of Spanish words ending in “-cion,” making it a valuable resource for learners and researchers alike.

Spanish Words Ending in


Word Definition Category Example Sentence
Acción Action Noun La acción de la película fue emocionante. (The action of the movie was exciting.)
Adición Addition Noun La adición de nuevos miembros al equipo fortaleció al grupo. (The addition of new members to the team strengthened the group.)
Atención Attention Noun La atención del profesor se centró en los estudiantes. (The teacher’s attention was focused on the students.)
Colección Collection Noun La colección de sellos de mi abuelo es muy valiosa. (My grandfather’s stamp collection is very valuable.)
Conexión Connection Noun La conexión a Internet es esencial para el trabajo moderno. (An Internet connection is essential for modern work.)
Creación Creation Noun La creación de nuevas obras de arte inspira a las personas. (The creation of new works of art inspires people.)
Decisión Decision Noun La decisión del jurado fue unánime. (The jury’s decision was unanimous.)
Descripción Description Noun La descripción del producto en el sitio web es precisa. (The description of the product on the website is accurate.)
Discusión Discussion Noun La discusión sobre el tema fue animada. (The discussion about the topic was lively.)
Educación Education Noun La educación es esencial para el desarrollo personal y profesional. (Education is essential for personal and professional development.)

Q&A: Spanish Words That End In Cion

What is the grammatical function of Spanish words ending in-cion?

Spanish words ending in -cion typically function as nouns that denote actions, states, or qualities.

How are Spanish words ending in-cion formed?

Spanish words ending in -cion are formed by adding the suffix -cion to a verb stem, noun stem, or adjective stem.

What are some common Spanish words ending in-cion?

Common Spanish words ending in -cion include “educacion” (education), “traduccion” (translation), and “informacion” (information).